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    عضو جديد
      : Second term examination 15781610
    عدد الرسائل : 99
    العمر : 49
    العمل/الترفيه : استاذة

    المزاج : هادئة
    تاريخ التسجيل : 07/11/2008
    Second term examination Aoiss

    ???? Second term examination

    الجمعة 20 فبراير 2009, 10:26
    تقييم المساهمة: 100% (1)
    Second term examination of English

    Level : 4AM. Time: 1.30 hour. Date:
    My grandma.
    My grandmother is more than ninety years old which makes her the oldest person in the whole family. Since her pilgrimage to Mecca in 1980, every body has been calling her “El Hadja”. Despite her old age, her memory is still fresh. She always tells us that many things used to be different when she was young.
    My grandma used to begin her day very early. She used to pray “El Sobh” at 3 o’clock in summer time while every body else was still in beds. There didn’t use to be a baker’s in the country where she lived, so my grandma baked bread “kesra” which was most of the time made of wheat or barley. Before sunrise, she was already busy at work. She used to do all the housework by herself. She used to make clothes for the children such as woolly hats, jumpers and “burnouses” for the adults. My grandma used to raise some chicken (for their eggs) and sheep (for milk and meat). She also used to help the males to grow vegetables.
    When a member of the family was ill, she used to show him which herbs to use. They collected them from a near forest. It was very effective method.

    Part one: 14 points. A/ Reading comprehension (7 points)
    1) read the text and say which sentence best summarises each paragraph: circle it. (3pts)
    §1: a- my grandma is very old.
    b- she’s old, but she can remember many things.
    c- she’s old, but healthy.
    §2: a- women used to work outdoors.
    b- women used to work indoors.
    c- grandma’s daily life.
    §3: a- medicines of the past.
    b- diseases in the past.
    c- doctors and patients.

    2) Read the text again and answer the following questions: (02 pts)
    a- Did anyone help grandma in the house work?
    b- what kinds of clothes did grandma use to make?

    3): Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following :(02pts)
    §1: no one ≠ ................ less ≠...................
    §2: sunset ≠................. free ≠ ......................

    b- Mastery of language: (07pts)
    Activity one: join each of the pairs of sentences below with a relative pronoun: (02 pts)
    1) – The girls / to take cookery and needlework lessons.
    - The girls / to knit jumpers and made cakes.
    2) – young children to learn / in mosques.
    - they to read and write / in mosques.
    Activity two: Find words in the text which contain the following four diphthongs.( only one word each). / ei / , /əu/ , / au/ , / ai / (02 pts)
    Activity three: Form nouns of jobs from these words by adding suffixes. (03 pts)
    Library - paint - art - direct - chemistry - teach.

    Part two: Written Expres​sion(06pts)
    Nowadays children are living a very comfortable life which was not in the past. Describe in about ten lines how did children use to live a long time ago.
    Good luck/
    المدير العام
    المدير العام
      : Second term examination 15781610
    عدد الرسائل : 11660
    العمر : 56
    المزاج : هادئ
    تاريخ التسجيل : 13/12/2007

    ???? رد: Second term examination

    الجمعة 20 فبراير 2009, 20:36
    بارك الله فيك
    عضو ملكي
    عضو ملكي
      : Second term examination 15781610
    عدد الرسائل : 2058
    العمر : 49
    المزاج : أسألك الدعاء لي
    تاريخ التسجيل : 01/11/2008
    Second term examination Aoiss

    ???? رد: Second term examination

    الأحد 09 أغسطس 2009, 18:21
    Second term examination LJA27261Second term examination Ear27184
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